The Murphy Law Group
The Murphy Law Group
The Murphy Law Group
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The Murphy Law Group

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Month: June 2020


Month: June 2020


Splitting assets and debts in a divorce

Before deciding to get a divorce, some couples choose to separate. This provides them some time to evaluate their options in perhaps a less adversarial living situation.  When choosing their future path, each spouse may put effort into identifying their joint assets...

The costs of maintaining a marital home

The possibility of losing a marital home can heighten tensions during a divorce. Marital homes carry a lot of sentimental value for couples and their children, so one or both spouses may put up a fight to keep their marital home. However, a decision to hold on to a...

Types of alimony in Florida

In a divorce, the court may decide to award payments of spousal support from one spouse to the other. This support is to help the other party financially after the divorce if he or she may struggle to become self-supporting.  The Florida Statutes explains all types of...

How does divorce affect children?

Divorce is a stressful time for all parties involved, especially children of divorced couples. Depending on your children’s ages, they may not understand why you split from your spouse and even with an explanation they may still find it confusing. Your children may...

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